Carbon sequestration in forestry

Carbon Sink: generally refers to the process, activity and mechanism of absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. Including forestry, grassland, soil, wetland and marine carbon sink.

Carbon sequestration in forestry refers to the use of forests as carbon storage facilities to absorb and fix carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through activities such as reducing deforestation, enhancing forest management, Afforestation, and protecting and restoring forest vegetation, and in accordance with the relevant rules and carbon trading combined process, activities or mechanisms.

The development of forestry carbon sinks can be simply described as turning the carbon dioxide absorption capacity of a forest tree into a commodity that can be traded like a normal commodity. Trading to emission control enterprises, carbon-neutral enterprises.


National exchanges are being piloted
Forest Carbon Sink

   The carbon sequestration project is suitable for afforestation of trees, bamboo and shrubs, including shelterbelts, special purpose forests, timber forests, etc. , it does not include afforestation of economic forest, afforestation of passageways on non-forest land, afforestation of urban villages and industrial and mining land.

Development of forestry carbon sequestration
CCER nuclear quantity(for simple calculation, converted into tons/mu/year)

①afforestation: generally 0.8 ~ 1.2 tons/mu/year

②silviculture: about 0.8 ~ 1.0 tons/mu/year in general

Trading Price:At present, the pilot period of voluntary carbon emission reduction trading is about 20-87 yuan/ton. Eight major carbon emitters will be included in the national carbon trading system, and carbon prices are expected to rise gradually from 2020. According to the NDRC's climate department, it would take a carbon price of 300-500 Yuan (about 380 yuan per tonne) to reach the target.


Revenue example:the average carbon price during the first emission reduction period (20 years) is estimated to be 90 yuan per ton, with 0.5 tons of carbon per mu per year, the owner of the forest (which is centrally and uniformly declared by the government) can earn 20 Yuan (0.5 tons x 90 yuan/ton x 40% = 18 yuan) per mu per year, based on the real-time transaction price.
A share of the proceeds
  • 49% for implementers
  • Research
  • Information
  • Sign the contract
  • Afforestation design
  • Audit data
  • On-site validation
  • Forest owner (zero risk)51% return
  • Do not change the status of woodland
  • Non-interference in logging compliance
  • Shall not affect the rights and interests of forest land



To develop forestry carbon sequestration and boost rural revitalization is an inherent requirement for implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. It is also a practical action for resolutely implementing the Party Central Committee's important decisions and plans, we should promote the overall goal of high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable rural areas and prosperous farmers in the spirit of long-term contribution.